
Hand ‘N Hand recognizes parents and guardians as a child’s most important teacher. We realize the critical partnership our staff plays in the nurturing, caring, and educating of each child. Our curriculum and programs are selected to meet each child’s developmental stage, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Providing a strong early learning foundation is our goal and promise to each family entrusting their children to our care.

Learn Every Day

Learn Every Day early childhood curriculum is a highly researched approach to scaffolding or introducing concepts during infancy, and gradually building knowledge and skills throughout the preschool age.  Based on brain development,  social and emotional development, language development, and creative learning environments, studies show young children exposed to high quality early learning programs become their most authentic self, as they discover the world around them.

Learn Every Day is the perfect thematic curriculum, offering a wide variety of topics infants through prekindergarten children love to engage with. Hand ‘N Hand includes award winning children’s literature to compliment every theme. Ensuring weekly lesson plans include multi-learning styles, hands-on materials, and lots of purposeful play, children develop critical thinking skills and an early love of learning.

Nemours BrightStart

Hand ‘N Hand is proud to combine Nemours BrightStart early literacy program with our preschool age children.  This unique small-group concentration of letter knowledge, print awareness, and phonological awareness is the perfect companion to our Learn Every Day preschool and VPK classrooms.


Hand ‘N Hand exceeds the Florida Early Learning Standards for Preschool by carefully weaving STREAM (Science, Technology, Relationships, Engineering, Art, and Math) concepts into our purposeful play opportunities.

Children learning through STREAM activities in summer camp.Science can be part of a cooking project or mixing paint to create a new color.

Technology is carefully integrated through short electronic device activities complimenting the weekly theme.

Relationships are essential to foster social, emotional, physical, and brain development.

Engineering is evidenced through a child’s imagination with block building, connecting Legos, making ramps and roadways with a variety of materials or creating a yet-to-be-named invention.

Art includes drama, music, and movement, with materials such as playdough, crayons, paint, and chalk in our extensive art program.

Math includes traditional number recognition, counting, sequencing, one-to-one correspondence, as well as sorting colored blocks or making graphs of everyone’s favorite foods.

Enrichment Programs

Artist in Residence

Art is the all-star of multi-intelligence learning.  Drama brings early literacy to life through the joy of make-believe characters. Music is the universal language. It soothes the soul or gives everyone a chance to wiggle and giggle. Creating one-of-a-kind masterpieces takes creativity and develops critical thinking skills, laying a foundation for a strong sense of self confidence.

Hand ‘N Hand Child Enrichment Center was one of a few early learning centers invited to be part of the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County’s pilot art program. Ms. Chanel Graham is our Artist in Residence, bringing art into all the Florida Standards for Early Learning domains.  Her dedication, imagination, and thoughtful guidance to both children and staff includes Introducing a wide variety of art mediums and techniques of creative art even for our youngest artists.

Through the Artist In Residence program, the Arts community of Orange County has been an integral part of bringing enriching programs to our campus.  The Orlando Ballet curriculum includes rich literature, live ballet performers, and the 2021 invitation to a dress rehearsal of the Jungle Book Story.  But the best part is the weekly visit from our very own ballerina or ballerino who engages the children in music and dance of various styles. The Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra may visit with various musicians and their favorite instruments, or we may attend a performance specifically designed for our early learning community.

Hand ‘N Hand is looking forward to our spring community “Art Showcase” displaying the many works of art our students have created throughout the year. We just may be the “Best In Show.”

Kindness Counts

Today, more than ever, during these times of uncertainty and change, young children benefit from a strong social and emotional foundation to achieve their maximum potential.  We believe kindness is the root of each of the seven pillars of a sound values foundation. The seven strengths include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, empathy, and citizenship. Hand ‘N Hand believes even our youngest children can join this journey.

Trustworthiness is introduced to each child on their very first day. Little ones need to feel loved and secure in their surroundings, with their needs met, both physically and emotionally.

Respect is developed as we celebrate the uniqueness of each child. Children are encouraged to begin self regulation, or the ability to control their impulses, giving each child the opportunity to be heard and seen in a mindful manner.

Responsibility is helping during clean- up time, following simple rules, or learning to put your own blanket in your cubby.

Fairness is difficult for very young children to understand.  Allowing children to take turns being helpers throughout the day is a great beginning.

Caring and Empathy are modeled by helping young children understand words and actions can make their peers feel wanted and needed. Inviting a child to join a game or share a snack is often mirrored back to a child’s friend.

Citizenship is nurtured through the combination of all seven values. Helping others feel safe and valued, following simple class rules, taking turns, and sharing spaces, builds a community of kind, caring, and conscientious young children who will have a strong impact on the world.

Igniting young children’s imagination on their journey to educational excellence.